At Glass House Mountains State School we place equal importance on the social-emotional, behavioural and academic development of the children in our care. For young people to experience positive outcomes in these areas they need to feel that they are cared for, belong, are valued, empowered and successful.
We believe the qualities that successful individuals exhibit include Persistence, Getting Along, Confidence, Organisation and Emotional Resilience. Positive Habits of the Mind encourage the development of success traits. These Habits of the Mind can be taught and learned.
Personal Development Programs that promote positive rational thinking are powerful tools to drive cultural change within a school community.
Essential to effective learning is the recognition of each individual's Rights and Responsibilities. All members of the Glass House Mountains School Community have the following Rights:
- To be respected and valued
- To feel safe
- To know that property will be safe
- To learn
- To expect a healthy environment
- To be guided in developing self-discipline
- To open and accurate communications
- To express an opinion
In order to uphold these Rights, each community member is required to respect the Rights of self and others while accepting the associated Responsibilities.
At Glass House Mountains State School we choose to Discipline rather than Punish. We acknowledge that Discipline takes time and is a teaching/learning process requiring a consistent whole-school approach. Discipline involves Compliance Training, Skill Teaching and Choice Management.