If your child is absent from school, please notify the school via QParents, phoning the Absentee Line on (07) 5439 3260 or by filling out the absence form.
This is for you and your child's protection and complies with the Departmental Regulations. All absences will be marked as unexplained until such time as the school receives notification of absence from a parent. Currently the school uses an SMS program to notify parents of an unexplained absence on the day. Parents are asked to respond to the SMS with a reason for the absences.
Unexplained absences of up to 5 days will receive a phone call from the class teacher whilst those of more than 10 days will receive a letter or phone call from the Principal. Currently Unexplained Absence letters are posted every week. These are to be completed and returned to the office as soon as possible.
Please contact the office if you and your children are going to be away for a period over 10 consecutive school days as you will need to complete an "Application for Exemption" form before you leave.
Parents, you may be interested in some of the brochures & tips that can be found on the Every Day Counts website.