
Camps and excursions


Through out the year classes will attend a variety of excursions and selected classes will attend camps. Teachers will endeavour to give parents sufficient notice of these activities so payment deadlines can be met by all.

Permission from parents will be sought prior to any excursion.  We understand that families face financial issues from time to time and are unable to make payments by the due date in some instances; however, if you notify the office in advance we are able to put payment arrangements in place.

Please note: Due dates for activities must be adhered to , as often, accurate numbers are required by the destinations well in advance.  No money will be accepted on the day of the activities unless PRIOR arrangements have been made with the office.

In 2023, all excursion and camp permission notes will be distributed via QParents.  Please contact the office to request a registration code for QParents if you are not currently registered.


Insurance Cover

Insurance cover

Last reviewed 20 March 2023
Last updated 20 March 2023