STORM PROCEDURE:In the event that a storm is due to occur around end of school time, a Storm Procedure will be put into place if necessary. Once the decision has been made to enact the Storm Procedure the following will occur:
- Parents will receive a text message to advise of the procedure being in place. (please ensure your mobile numbers are current)
- ALL Students from Prep to 6 will be held in their classrooms with their teachers until the storm passes.
- The office will go into lock down to manage the parent phone calls and distribute messages to students in their classrooms. PLEASE NOTE: NO STUDENT IS TO BE COLLECTED FROM THE OFFICE.
- If safe to do so, parents are to sign students out from their classrooms. PLEASE NOTE: Students are to be signed out with the class teacher BEFORE leaving.
- Buses will be held back in the event that it is unsafe to take students out at the usual times.
- Once safe, all students awaiting collection after the buses have left, will be held in the junior undercover area until parents arrive.